We can create temporary UTORid (known as "qq") for individuals who are not eligible for regular UTORids (those who not part of the UofT community), who need temporary access to Quercus, Elentra, Elements, or access to the wireless network.
These accounts can be active for 6 months or less, 1 year (default) or 2 years (maximum) and then automatically expire. These accounts do not give access to the U of T Library online resources. Once processed, it will take 24 hours to become active. They cannot be extended, passwords cannot be reset and it cannot be re-activated once expired.
To request for a Guest UTORid, please ask your Business Manager (or delegate) to send an email to MedIT with the following guest's information: Firstname, Lastname, Email address and the Date of expiry for the ID being requested. We also require the Business Manager or the delegate's UTORid to serve as sponsor. If you are the Business Officer or delegate, please send an email to MedIT with the required information above.
If your visiting guest and only require access to WiFi services while in campus, please visit EDUROAM WiFi service for information.