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Identity, Authentication, and SSO (UTORid)
The MedIT Service Desk provides limited support to the Temerty Faculty of Medicine for the University of Toronto system login (UTORid). The UTORid is part of the larger University identification and authentication system called UTORauth. Your life in UTORauth starts when you first enter the university; perhaps as a student or staff member, maybe just as a temporary contractor doing work for the U of T. UTORauth collects ID data from a variety of authoritative sources around campus and merges all of this information together.
Think of the UTORid like your digital driver's license. You need one to navigate the highways and byways of the U of T's electronic resources. This UTORid, along with the password you choose, will be the primary method of validating yourself to each of the many websites, applications and portals that make up the U of T's internet presence.
Problems with an Existing UTORid
The MedIT Service Desk does not have the ability to:
- Make UTORid account information changes
- Update UTORid account status
If you require assistance for any of these issues, please contact the Information Commons, located on the first floor of Robarts Library. You may walk up for service (please bring photo ID for account changes) or telephone for assistance (416 978 HELP). You can visit their website to verify operating hours.
If you are having issues with your password, you can try verifying your UTORid and password on the UTORid Management Page. Select the link “Verify” under the heading ‘Problems with your UTORid.’ You can try a few different variations here without worrying about being locked out of your account. Note: Your UTORid is a combination of your lastname and firstname, is all one word, and has no capitals. Your password was self-created, is exactly eight digits, and contains a mix of characters: at least one capital OR one number.
UTORid Self Service
To make changes to your account, you will need to login with your UTORid (or UTORmail account) and password.
There are several changes that you can make to your UTORid account from the UTORid Management Page. To make changes to your account, you will need to login with your UTORid (or UTORmail account) and password. From the homepage, you can choose several options concerning the modification of your account. For example, Faculty, Staff and Students can:
- Activate or Create their UTORid
- Manage their password
- Change your password
- Reset your forgotten password (students only)
- Setup forgotten password utility (students only)
- Make changes to their account
- Get information about their account
If you are having issues with your UTORmail or are not receiving mail, you can check the size of your inbox (and other mail folders) on the UTORid Management Page. Click the link “Get Information.” Enter your UTORid and password AND check the box that says “Show current sizes of your UTORmail folders.”