Zoom Settings to Minimize Security and Privacy Risks
Last Updated: Oct. 27, 2021
We suggest adjusting the following settings in your Zoom account to help minimize the security and privacy risks associated with using this conferencing platform. We recognize that these settings may not work in all contexts (e.g. admit 250 learners to a waiting room), and have attempted to select the options that work for the majority of cases. Hosts may adjust these settings manually for their meetings – it is up to the host to decide what is appropriate given the context of their meetings.
Meeting settings
Require a password to enter the meeting
Screen sharing is set to host only
Waiting room is set to on by default so that the host must admit users
Allow users to contact Zoom’s support via Chat
Recording settings
Allow hosts to record meetings locally (i.e. on their computer)
Allow hosts to record meetings to the cloud (i.e. on Zoom’s servers)
Records the active speaker with shared screen
Records an audio file
Saves chat messages
Displays participants' names in recording
Records thumbnails when sharing
3. Automatic record is set to off
4. Only the host can download cloud recordings
5. Host can delete cloud recordings
Phone settings
Phone numbers are masked in the participants list (i.e., they will show up as 888****123
Best practices for Zoom meetings and webinars
Ensure your meeting titles do not inadvertently convey confidential or sensitive information
Require a password for meetings
Ensure your sharing options are appropriate for your meetings. The default is set to only the host may share
Do not share a link to a teleconference or classroom on an unrestricted, publicly-available, social-media post. Provide the link directly to specific people.
Ensure participants provide their consent to being recorded prior to the meeting or webinar
Keep your microphone off unless you’re speaking
Register for a Zoom video or webinar from the same computer and zoom-client account you will be using to join the meeting
Deselect Q & A Anonymous questions in a Webinar
Spotlight presenter(s) so as not to inadvertently video record a participant or non-speaking panelist during meeting or webinar