FOCUS: Shared Groups


Instructions for importing a Shared Group

Shared Group Keys

Group Name Description Shared Group Key
Active Staff

Appointed and Non-Appointed Staff; PM, USW, and Research Associates

parameters and key updated April 2024

Active Appointed Staff

Appointed Staff; PM, USW, and Research Associates

parameters and key updated April 2024

Active Faculty

All Faculty (except Emeritus/Emerita); holding an active appointment; includes Clinical, Adjunct, Clinical Cross-Appointed, Non Budgetary Cross-Appointed, Status Only, Visiting Professor, Tenured/TenureStream, TeachingStream, CLTA, or where the PrimaryBudgetaryAppointment = (Principal | Acting Principal | Vice Principal | Principal and Dean | Dean | Acting Dean | Associate Dean | Assistant Vice Dean | Director - Schools | Chair | Acting Chair | Associate Chair | Assistant Chair | Vice Chair)

parameters and key updated July 2024

Active Graduate Faculty

Faculty holding an Active Graduate Appointment

parameter and key updated July 2024

Appt - Adj Lect and Adj Prof - Primary

Primary Faculty; holding Adjunct Lecturer or Adjunct Professor Appointment

parameter and key updated April 2024

Appt - Clin

Primary Faculty; Cross Appointed Faculty; holding a Clinical Appointment

parameter and key updated April 2024

Appt - Clin Adj - Primary

Primary Faculty; holding a Adjunct Clinical Appointment

parameter and key updated April 2024

Appt - Clin FT - Primary

Primary Faculty; holding Full-Time Clinical Appointment

parameter and key updated April 2024

Appt - Clin PT - Primary

Primary Faculty; holding a Part-Time Clinical Appointment

parameter and key updated April 2024

Appt - Clin PT and Clin Adj - Primary

Primary Faculty; holding Part-Time Clinical or Adjunct Clinical Appointment

parameter and key updated April 2024

Appt - Clin FT - 3 Year Review Primary Faculty; holding Full-Time Clinical Appointment; 3 year review
(* NOTE: Primary Appt Start Date must be changed each year)
Appt - Cross - All Cross Appointed Faculty; Clinical; Status Only; Non-Budgetary Cross Appointments nj1591268915502
Appt - Emeritus - Primary

Primary Faculty; Emeritus/Emerita

parameter and key updated April 2024

Appt - Faculty Primary Faculty; Cross Appointed Faculty pa1591300637519
Appt - Faculty - Primary Primary Faculty; including Emeritus/Emerita fe1591300760970
Appt - Non-Budget Cross Non-Budgetary; Cross Appointed Faculty vg1591300973024
Appt - Status Only - Review and Reappointments Status Only Faculty (Primary and Concurrent) for Status Only Review and Reappointment process
(Note:  Due to complexity of criteria, results may contain erroneous records.  Results will require review by department.)
Appt - Status Only Primary Status-Only faculty; Cross Appointed Status Only Faculty
(Note:  Due to complexity of criteria, results may contain erroneous records.  Results will require review by department.)
Appt - Status Only - Primary Primary Faculty; holding a Status Only Appointment hj1591301975236
Appt - Tenure and Tenure-Stream - Primary Primary Faculty; Tenure and Tenure-Stream wa1591302115161
Graduate All Primary Graduate Dept; Cross Graduate Dept bw1591302252399
Graduate Primary Primary Graduate Dept hq1591302386490
Hosp-Site - Sinai Health System All Faculty based at the Sinai Health System
1. Sinai Health System - Mount Sinai
2. Sinai Health System - Bridgepoint
Hosp-Site - SickKids All Faculty based at the Hospital for Sick Children jn1591302515675
Hosp-Site - St Mikes All Faculty based at St. Michael's Hospital by1591303831344
Hosp-Site - Sunnybrook All Faculty based at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
1. Sunnybrook Hlth Sci Ctr  
2. Sunnybrook&Women's Coll.Hlth Sc Ctr: O&A  
3. Sunnybrook Hlth Sci Ctr-St. John's Rehab  
4. I.C.E.S. Sunnybrook  
5. Toronto Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Ctr
Hosp-Site - UHN

All Faculty based at the University Health Network
1. UHN - Toronto Western
2. UHN - Toronto General Hospital
3. UHN - Princess Margaret Hospital
4. UHN - TRI -The University Centre
5. UHN - TRI -The Rumsey Centre
6. UHN - TRI -The  Hillcrest Centre
7. UHN - TRI -The Queen Elizabeth Centre
8. UHN - TRI -The Lyndhurst Centre

parameters and key updated April 2024

Rank - Assist Prof - Primary Primary Faculty; at the rank of Assistant Professor qq1591646685673
Rank - Assoc Prof - Primary Primary Faculty; at the rank of Associate Professor zc1591646826511
Rank - Lect - Primary Primary Faculty; Clinical; at the rank of Lecturer au1591646977520
Rank - Lect - Status Only - Primary Primary Faculty; Status Only; at the rank of Lecturer fc1591647099373
Rank - Prof - Primary Primary Faculty; at the rank of Professor qd1591647237740
Research Associates Research Associates cm1591647375380
Advanced Groups These groups must be customized for your department's purposes  
* Promotion - Primary - Sr Primary Faculty; eligible for Promotion; to the rank of Associate and Professor; current rank Assistant Professor or Associate Professor fi1591646534048