Installing Microsoft Office 2016 for Windows

To download the software:

The University of Toronto has created a download site where you can download Office 2016 for your PC

  1. Click the download link:
Utorid sign in
  1. Log in with your UTORID and password.
    • Note: there is  a 2-minute window to login; if you haven't logged in within that time, you will need to close the window and click the downloads link again.
Campus Agreement Downloads
  1. After logging in, click the box for “I agree to the terms of use” and choose the “Campus Agreement Media Downloads”.
choose MS Office Professional Plus 2016 32bit English
  1. You will then see a list of available downloads. Scroll down until you see Microsoft Office for Windows, click “Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 32 Bit English”, and then click Download.

To unzip the downloaded folder

After you download Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 32Bit English, you will need to extract the contents using 7 Zip.

  1. Navigate to where you saved the file: SW_DVD5_Office_Professional_Plus_2016_W32_English_MLF_X20-41353.
  2. Right-click on the file, select 7 Zip, then click Extract files
  3. In the window that opens, you are going to0 specify the location for the files to extract to. Use the ... to choose the C:\Temp folder, and click OK.

To uninstall your existing version of Microsoft Office

Before installing the new version, you will have to uninstall the current version of Office from your computer. Failure to do so will cause corruption to your new install and Office will not work.

To uninstall your current Office:

  1. On your PC, click Start, then click Control Panel.
Uninstall existing Office
  1. Click Programs and Features.
  2. Find Microsoft Office Professional Plus (your version 2010 or 2013), right-click, then click Uninstall.

  3. Click “Yes” at the next prompt. This step will take a few minutes to complete.

  4. When asked to reboot your computer, click "Yes."

Installing Microsoft Office 2016

  1. Open your C:\Temp folder, where you earlier extracted the file to.
  2. Click the folder to open it: SW_DVD5_Office_Professional_Plus_2016_W32_English_MLF_X20-41353. then double click the file: Setup.exe.
  3. Check the “I accept” box and click “Continue”.
  4. Click "Install now".
    • The install will take a few minutes.
MS Office dialog box
  1. This pop up will open. Click the “Close” button (do not click “Continue Online”)

Configuring Outlook

  1. On the Welcome to Outlook 2016 box that opens, click "Next".
  2. On the Add an Email Account box that opens, select "Yes" and click "Next".
Add email account
  1. On this pop up, delete the address shown in the “E-Mail Address” field, enter your email address (in the format (and password, if promped); then click "Next".

Utor ID and password
  1. Enter your UTORid and your UTORid Password, then click “Log In”.

Finish Outlook installation
  1. Click “Finish” to complete the setup

Install Outlook updates only

If you get this pop up box, select “Install Updates Only” and then click “Accept”

You are now finished with Outlook mailbox setup.