Computer Hardware Purchasing

To help departments and programs with the purchasing of computer hardware and software, we will provide the following services:

  • Place the order with the manufacturer on behalf of the user or department
  • Handle the hardware and software (receiving, unpacking)
  • Image the desktop or laptop with Faculty’s standard operating system
  • Add desktop or laptop to Active Directory and transfer data (if requested)
  • Activate mobile devices (iOS, Blackberry, or Android) on Faculty’s network & Exchange
Service Charges
Our charge to provide purchasing support is generally 10% of the value of the purchase (or a 10% of a single item if multiples of that item are ordered). If data transfer is required: three hours technician time at the MedIT hourly rate for imaging and transfer of data from old device. To activate and transfer the data from mobile device: one hour of technician time at the MedIT hourly rate 
Service Availability
MedIT business hours
Service Category
Hardware + Software
Supported Hours
MedIT business hours
Faculty, Staff
Service Provider
Discovery Commons

Support Contact